The West Bridgford School, Nottingham

West Bridgford school have recently been awarded the &lsquoNational Quality in Careers Standard&rsquo accreditation at gold level by Prospects. Following a rigorous assessment process involving both staff and students. The assessor reported that &ldquoThis is an astonishingly high standard of careers provision &ndash rated amongst the best practice I have ever seen. All aspects of a substantially innovative and vibrant programme are planned, evaluated and constantly monitored&rdquo.  A reason to feel proud, most definitely!

Several areas in the report commended particular strengths of their dedicated careers provision and how it is embedded throughout the PSHE curriculum.  Their broad range of careers signposting around school &ndash on Brightspace through Career Companion, Kudos and displays &ndash the careers talks which run throughout the year for Years 11, 12 and 13 students their careers working party of students who offer student voice and drive forward careers amongst their peers and their enrichment days for all year groups that focus around meeting employers, employees and developing their employability skills, to name just a few.

Date Added: 22 September 2016
